Let’s face it, we all have something that holds us back in our pursuits. Sometimes it’s best to just face it head-on and conquer it. Try to take a weakness and make it a strength. At least that’s what I told myself over the last couple weeks as I
tried to conquer one of my biggest foes (my hatred of being out in the cold.) It’s not that I don’t see any beauty in the snowy white rolling hills and frosted forests. I think they are quite pretty and I like the fact that it is usually so quiet except for the crunch of snow. My problem is the painful bite of Jack Frost even when I am bundled up. So with my lofty goal in mind, I set out to find something good to make me like it. I did get some good shots out of the experience, but I can’t say that I have started to enjoy the weather. I have lived in the winter wonderland of Idaho for 23 years, but I still haven’t kicked my longing for California weather. The summer time is a different story. Anyway, here’s some of the pictures. I took most of the images with my Sony a7rii with an adapter and a vintage 1950’s Zeiss Contaflex Pro-tessar 35mm f3.2 lens
The interesting thing about these lenses is that the aperture settings and shutter were actually part of the camera body. I found this out after I bought them, but I like weird stuff. I was able to find an adapter that someone had made with the needed part of the old camera body attached. I find these vintage lenses funky and fun to use. I will put a link at the end of the post if you want to find some for yourself.
Oh yeah, this post was about the winter beauty, right. Here ya go.
The Holy Cross Catholic Church in Keuterville Idaho. The sign says they established this church in 1886.
Here’s a video I made of various scenes that day.
I shot the header image using the DJI Mavic Pro quadcopter. Here’s the video from that day at Mount Idaho and Winchester Lake.
Sony A7Rii
DJI Mavic Pro Bundle with Shoulder Bag, Props, Car Charger and 2 Extra Batteries
Vintage Zeiss Contaflex Lenses
What do you like to do in the wintertime? Comment below!
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