“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.”
― T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets
Many photographers post a collection of their favorite images from the present year as they look forward to the next year. I have done this for the past several years.
This year is the first year that I have really taken time to look at commonalities of the images I have chosen as favorites for the year. As I was collecting the images to make my slideshow, these commonalities came to light. Some of the things that I noticed surprised me.
Of the 22 images I settled upon, I noticed that five of the images contained an animal.
Goat’s Eye
Puppies and Sunflowers
Maui on Bridge in Fog
Savannah’s Eye
I usually view myself as one who creates images with bright vibrant colors. This seemed to be prevalent in four of my 22 images.
Colors of Grand Prismatic
Lantern Festival
Dandelion and paint
Virginia’s Stairway
I was so surprised to see how many of my favorites were black and white or a monochrome image in some way.
The Root of It
Magnolia Plantation
Ferns and Red Leaves
More of the images within my selections were black and white than I would have expected.
Of the images I chose, there were strong diagonal features in nine of the twenty-two.
Peacock Feathers
When I attempt to define myself as a photographer, I often say that I am attracted to the intimate landscape.
The Channels
I was surprised to see many wide landscapes in my final selections.
Niagara Falls
Morning Sunflowers
Unexpected Beauty
Adironak Morning
I think I learned a great deal about myself as a photographer by putting together this collection of favorite images from 2017. I invite you to really take a closer look at your images from the year.
Closer Look
Looking back at past images, I hope, will help shape the kind of photographer I choose to become in the year 2018.
Thank you all for your amazing support in 2017. May you have a joyous holiday season as you put closure to 2017 and welcome the New Year!