“The geometry of a peacock’s tail is more aerial: “The eyes in a peacock’s spread tail are situated at the intersecting point of a double cluster of spirals, that are apparently Archimedean spirals.”
― Gaston Bachelard
It just doesn’t feel like springtime to me until I get a chance to visit Magnolia Plantation and Gardens. It is one of my favorite places on Earth.
For the past two weekends, I have made two separate day trips to Magnolia Plantation and Gardens. The peacocks who make their home at the gardens are always a highlight of my trips. Their bright colors and patterns simply fascinate me.
On my first day visiting the garden, I knew it was going to be an incredible day when I was greeted, almost immediately, by this peacock perched just outside of the house. The way he was positioned on this pedestal made him appear to not even be real.
Plantation Greetings
He was a wonderful model and allowed me to photograph him from many angles.
It is always amazing to witness the male peacock in full display.
Brilliant Display
I was even fortunate enough to capture a male underneath the avenue of the oaks.
Peacock, Azaleas, and Oaks
There is nothing that makes me happier than to get a close-up look at the beauty of the peacock.
Fanciful Feathers
After making two visits to the gardens in Charleston, SC, it truly feels like spring. I hope to have another opportunity to visit again.
I hope this spring you will encounter and enjoy the magnificence of the peacock.