Travel Obscura

North Georgia Mountains – 600 steps to Amicalola Falls2 min read time

My friend and I took a spontaneous road trip to Amicalola Falls State Park on a recent Saturday. Shortly after arriving, we decided to take the quick way to the top of the falls ! […]

My friend and I took a spontaneous road trip to Amicalola Falls State Park on a recent Saturday. Shortly after arriving, we decided to take the quick way to the top of the falls !

I’ve visited the park a number of times, including just a year ago and never realized there were stairs, all 600 or so, to get to the top of the falls. I’ve usually stopped at the last observation deck, about 80 percent to the top. Here is that view from when I visited the falls (last year) with a long exposure for that dreamy feel.

OK now (back to the recent Saturday road trip). Keep in mind this is the quick, strenuous method with many rest stops needed, as opposed to the less vigorous, Appalachian approach trail !

As we rested up from the massive stair climb, we were greeted with this view from the top of the falls overlooking the valley.

600 Steps

We then made our way to the lodge, at the top of the park, to attend the Appalachian Trail send off party for a couple of hours and then went back to the observation deck. This is the first time I’ve seen this view. I did a quick hand-held 4 shot panorama and stitched it in Photoshop to capture its grandeur. I did goof somewhat and realized after why I was seeing a floating read focus area in the view finder. I had my camera set for quick auto focus in Aperture Priority, but instead of a wide focus setting, it was set for continuous auto focus for tracking a moving subject. Plus it was at ISO 800 for some reason, so the photo is a little soft. and noisy. Oh well, mistakes always happen in the field and that is how I learn 🙂

Dream Big

The vast expanse of the Appalachian Mountains reminded me to dream big.



Jamie Peters

Surreal, abstract, bold and minimal are themes that continue to evoke that curious spark of discovering what is possible. Inspiration flows from all areas of life and I usually follow the crooked path. In the ethereal sense, I let the image and my imagination be the guide through the journey. Find out more at .

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