If I were Simple Minds, this may be a Glittering Prize.
I think the future of cars is electric and enjoyed driving a Nissan Leaf I had leased, but one of the things missing, with 80 miles of range, was that feeling of freedom to experience the open road. When I got my hands behind the wheel of a Toyota Prius, it was less cool trailblazing, beta product. But now, NOW I felt I could go anywhere while still being able to support and promote electric.
That’s all well and good Jamie, but what about this Glittering Prize ? !
For a weekend day trip I ventured out to Amicalola Falls State Park. I had not been there for probably 10 years. It has the highest falls in Georgia and you can read more about my ascent here. On the way back from the falls I stopped at a small wooden bridge crossing the river. It was sunny and mid day with harsh light, and so I decided a challenge was in order for a long exposure of this river section with my ICE 10 stop filter. To get this composition, my tripod legs where sitting on the not so sturdy wooden bridge when hikers walked past. The ND timer app on my iPhone called for a 70 second exposure. After some waiting I was able to get just over a minute of mostly jiggle free bridge action. When I went to process the photo, to my surprise, I saw the Glittering Prize in the smooth river and thinking it may have been from the harsh light bouncing on the water during the minute plus exposure.
Here is the RAW photo, with Lightroom adjustments.

Here it is after some post processing, including Nik Color effects.

As I’m often inspired by music and when I revisited this photo recently, I thought of Simple Minds and the album, Glittering Prize.