We passed the parking lot and it was always full until we got up very early one morning. We found one parking spot at …
the small parking lot for The Bubbles. These are the distinctive bumps that are at the far end of Jordan Pond when you visit that part of Acadia National Park.

I had never stopped at this trailhead so did not know what to expect! I’m not sure what I was expecting, but the climb up to the top of the one Bubble was not easy! We took the right fork on the main trail up and according to my friend we took the easier route!! There were some steep sections and we did some scrambling over some large rocks. But we did make it to the top on one of The Bubbles.
We, unfortunately, did not go up the side where there is a large rock that is perched on the edge.
We did get a fabulous view of Jordan Pond with the Atlantic Ocean in the distance.

There was some fall color visible from the side of the mountain we climbed.

We found a very large mushroom (about 10″ tall) in the forest along the trail! We saw many mushrooms on this trip but none of them were this big! And this one happened to be in a beam of sunlight in the dark forest!

We climbed back down to the parking lot and drove on Loop Road toward Thunder Hole. Once again, the parking lots were so full, but we finally found a spot to park. I decided to skip Thunder Hole (there were busloads of people there) and make some images in the general area.

The waves were relatively light this day and so the Atlantic Ocean seemed a bit tame!

We made a quick stop at the tiny Thunder Hole gift shop and then decided to drive to our next stop (next post) and hopefully get there when the line was not too long for parking.
If you are up for a fairly steep climb check out The Bubbles. The rocks along the coast in the Thunder Hole area are easy to cross and you can get some great views of Sand Beach and the Atlantic Ocean from there.
For a larger version, click on any image or visit my galleries for these and other images. The Bubbles Gallery Acadia Coast Gallery
My next blog will be on the iconic, Bass Harbor Headlight.
That is all for now.